Retinoids, Retinols, and Retinoic Acids, Oh My!

Okay, technically retinoids are a large class of chemical compounds related to vitamin A. Retinol and retinoic acid (Retin A®) are both types of retinoids, but you will often hear of retinoids as the products you need a prescription for, and retinols as those sold over the counter. Our bodies can convert retinol into retinoic acid, but it takes a … Read More


Rosacea, sometimes incorrectly called “acne rosacea” is a common, but poorly understood condition of the skin of the face that is characterized by excessive flushing, persistent redness, broken capillaries, and in one of the subtypes, bumps and pimples. In another of the subtypes, called ocular rosacea, it affects the skin and blood vessels around the eyes and can result in … Read More

Tratamientos Para El Acné Que Funcionan

Seguro has intentado curar tu acné de mil maneras. Probablemente has ido donde el dermatólogo, y has hablado por muchas horas con chicas en las tiendas de cosméticos y gastado mucho dinero en las farmacias, Ulta, Wal-Mart, etc. Pero ya que estas leyendo esto me apuesto que nada ha funcionado. ¿Existe algo que funciona? Si! y no es una pastilla … Read More